Una ciutat de mussols

Dec 07, 2021 58m
Tarragona, at the end of the dictatorship. A group of gay people decide to rent an apartment in the Parte Alta to love freely. Not far away, a young woman is threatened with a gun by the father of her lover, a civil guard who every afternoon spies on the steps of his lesbian daughter. At the same time, the first bars open their doors in the city. Quim, Carla, Fina, Patxitxa, Toñi, Sendo, Edu, Gelo, Núria, Ció, Dani and Manolo are the twelve protagonists of this documentary that explores the LGBTIQ+ life in Tarragona during the late Franco era and the beginning of the transition. Tender and sometimes overwhelming testimonies, because the party is also synonymous with liberation and fulfillment. A tribute to twelve people who laid the first stone of our freedoms.
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