The Hippocratic Crush

Season 2

Episode 5

Nov 08, 2013
TZE-YU and MEI-SUET's mother SZE YUK-LAN return to Hong Kong. YUK-LAN worries about TZE-YU and she decides to accompany her. HEI-YAN plays music and sing at MAN-SAN's office. MAN-SAN scolds her for not respecting others and HEI-YAN runs away tearfully. MAN-SAN discovers CHIN-YEE sleeping on a bench near the coffee shop. He sends her home and discovers that she is a medical student. Everybody exchange gifts during the party. All of them get baby stuffs and they decide to give them to TZE-YU. KA-KWOK pushes a patient and the patient collapses. CHIN-YEE performs first aid for the patient immediately. TZE-YU reveals to YAT-KIN that she decides to give up the baby and she asks YAT-KIN to take good care of himself. On the day of TZE-YU's operation, YAT-KIN is late. TZE-YU calls him and YAT-KIN reveals that he is not able to arrive on time for there is an accident in the operation he is performing...
Production Countries
Hong Kong
Spoken Languages
Production Companies


Ma Kwok-Ming
Cheung Yat-kin
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